January General Membership Meeting

January's General Membership meeting will be on Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 1:00 PM in the Berry Amphitheater in the ASCC building on Main Campus.The agenda for this month's meeting is as follows:

HFCC-SSA January 26, 2013 Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of prior minutes.
  3. Officer’s Reports
    1. President’s report
      1. Presidential Search Committee
      2. Contract Printing/Information
      3. Job hotline elimination
    2. Treasurer’s report
  4. New Business
    1. Committee Volunteers:
      1. SSA Community Service
      2. SSA Professional Improvement
      3. SSA Evaluation
      4. Scholarship
    2. Cynthia Cialone on future SSA event recommendations
  5. Adjournment

Here is a link to the PDF version of the January General Membership Meeting's Agenda


A message from your President


We lost a valuable, caring member of our union