Call for Nominations for the office of HFC-SSA Treasurer

With the retirement of Annette Klauke, the SSA is accepting nominations for the office of Treasurer. Anyone interested in this position should review the guidelines from the SSA By-laws Revised 2016 and SSA Consitution Revised 9-22-2017 by following the link to the document(s). It is suggested that the person have some experience with Quick Books, which is the accounting system the SSA uses.Nominations will be accepted for the position beginning today September 5, 2018 and ending on Wednesday, September 12, 2018. Please send your nominations to Cynthia Brown The name(s) of eligible candidates' will be emailed to the membership the week of September 17, 2018.The vote will take place at our next membership meeting, which is scheduled for Friday, September 21, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in the Berry Auditorium. You must vote at the general membership meeting, as we do not allow absentee ballots. As a reminder, you have to be a member in good standing to be eligible to vote.If you have any questions, please contact anyone on the election committee.Thank youSSA Election Committee MembersJill SestokKim BlackBrenda RedingerKaren RichardsPandora Conley


HFC-SSA Treasurer Candidate Biographies


Job Posting - Custodial Leader