SSA Absence Program Suspension - Letter of Agreement
Good evening SSA members,
Letter of Agreement - Absence Program Suspension
Above you will find the LOA in regard to the Absence Program (Article 17). The Executive Board has been working closely with the HFC Administration to suspend the Absence Program temporarily. The details are as followed:
- Absences during March 9, 2020 to April 6, 2020 due to illness will not count towards the absence program, this includes immediate family within your household who are ill.
- If you are absent for 4 or more consecutive days, you will need a physician’s (note) approval to return to work.
- You will need to use your sick time for absences related to illness. If you have exhausted your sick time you may use personal business and/or vacation time
- If you have exhausted all of your banks (sick, personal business, vacation) you will need doctor documentation stating you were ill. These cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis. If the proper documentation is provided you will be paid for the time off.
- Abuse or pattern absences during this time is outlined in the LOA along with the disciplinary actions.
- If you currently have discipline for absences, and you are absent due to illness, it will not count against you. Your discipline is “frozen” at this time. But if further abuse is apparent you may/will receive discipline which is stated in the LOA.
- Once the letter expires, the Absence Program (Article 17) will be back in effect.
- The LOA may be revised and extended based on the situation.
We are currently still discussing many items regarding the situation. The Executive Board is aware of the concerns that many of us are facing, such as childcare/eldercare. We are working diligently with the HFC Administration to resolve and inform all of the HFC SSA members. If you currently are concerned with childcare issues, please reach out to your supervisor immediately and address your concern.
The Executive Board will keep you informed with the rapidly changing information. The LOA is subject to change as the situation changes. There will be meetings this upcoming week to address more concerns.
If you have additional concerns please reach out your area Vice President, facilities staff may reach out to Kim or Katrina. Click the link below to see contact information.
We will send out a clearer copy of the LOA on Monday.
Thank you,
HFC SSA Executive Board