Learning Management System (LMS) Training Sessions for SSA Employees

HR is offering optional "Open Labs" for all SSA employees Friday, October 19, 2018 from 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm and the following Friday, October 26th from 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm in the Testing Lab in the Welcome Center.  During these sessions, they will be happy to offer additional training, one-on-one facilitation or just a quiet workspace to complete courses.HFCC-SSA LOA - Incentive 10.12.18LMS Access and Functions Training SSA 9.10.2018SkillSoft SSA Catalog

Letter from Human Resources sent out on October 15, 2018 regarding the Learning Management System (LMS)

Dear HFC Colleagues,

This message comes to you from the Office of Human Resources, and is being sent to all members of the HFCC Support Staff, all Local 71 administrators, and to members of the Faculty who supervise SSA employees. We are pleased to announce that we have begun training HFCC-SSA employees in the use of the College’s online Learning Management System.  A special thanks to everyone who attended last Friday, and thanks to Welcome Center management for allowing us the time and space to host. We look forward to meeting all SSA employees for LMS training in the coming days.

In the 2016-2020 SSA contract, under Appendix A – Wage Schedule, it is agreed that the College and the SSA will meet and determine the criteria for lump sum incentive payments equal to 1.25% of employee’s annual straight time wages, to be paid on the last pay in December of 2018 and December 2019. The resulting agreement, originally signed in April of 2018, defined the criteria as 12 hours per year of completed training in the College’s new Learning Management System.

Since then, we have encountered challenges moving towards implementation of LMS training. Most notably, there have been prohibitive integration issues between the LMS and the College’s third party content provider, which are now resolved. To accommodate for the resultant delay, we worked with SSA leadership to reduce the number of hours to be completed for the current period from 12 down to 8.

Please see the attached Letter of Agreement. The key points are summarized below:

  • HFCC-SSA employees must complete 8 hours of training by March 31, 2019, and 12 additional hours by March 31, 2020.
  • Approved extensions for completing training can be arranged between employees and their supervisors.
  • External, supervisor-approved training obtained offline (i.e. outside of the online LMS) can be submitted to the LMS and may count towards an employee’s completed training. (For this year, training must have occurred not prior to April 1, 2018.)
  • The training can be completed during normal working hours. Employees who do not have their own workstations and computers will be provided a computer and supervisor-approved time during work hours to complete the minimum number of training hours.

A catalog of available SSA courses is also attached to this email, along with a power point that we are distributing for training purposes. We hope you will be pleased with the wide array or training subjects available for your professional development. We are still in the process of activating courses and anticipate completing this task shortly. Please be aware this catalog will be updated with additional new courses on a quarterly basis.

Our goal is to have completed training for all HFCC-SSA employees by the end of October. We are in the process of scheduling additional training opportunities for this week and next. If you are interested in scheduling a departmental training session with an HR representative, please contact us to do so. We will schedule an after hours working session to accommodate 2nd and 3rd shift employees.

Please contact Reuben Brukley at x6573, Stephanie Larson at x9694, or Terri Hagen at x6454 with any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you.

The HR Team


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