SSA Social Committee Event Volunteers Needed Friday, October 26 from 6-8 p.m.
Trunk or Treat is a family-friendly event where volunteers decorate the back of their cars for Halloween, load up on candy, and come sit in a parking lot for children to safely "trick or treat" from car to car. The adults get to socialize and be creative while seeing all the cute and scary costumes.How can you help?The most important thing we need to make our Trunk or Treat a big success are "trunkers" and "boothers". We need “trunkers” who will decorate their car, truck, mini-van, or pass out their treats at a booth (table). Volunteer hours will count towards your community service requirement.Want to participate?Please complete the trunk table volunteers form and submit it to Leslie Windless. There will be prizes for the most creative trunks/booths. There are several other ways to volunteer if you are interested.Trunk/table volunteer forms must be submitted to Leslie Windless no later than October 1, 2018. Please stay tuned for the event flier that will be released next month.