Volunteer Opportunities - Gleaners Community Food Bank
Victory GardenTime to start harvesting! Individuals and groups up to 15 are needed Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 9:30 – 12. The Victory Garden in located in Brighton, MI. Please register here: http://livingstonvictorygarden.gcfb.volunteerhub.com/Master Gardeners – we need your help this summer on your schedule. Please contact Nicole Zammit at nzammit@gcfb.org to offer your assistance.Arts, Beats and EatsGleaners is a Gate Charity for this year’s Arts, Beats and Eats festival in Royal Oak. On Saturday, September 1 from 5 – 10:30 pm, 40 volunteers are needed to assist with collecting entrance tickets wrist-banding attendees at the gates and. Volunteers will be provided with parking, a t-shirt, and a meal at the event. Volunteers must be at least 15 years old and any volunteers under 18 must volunteer with a parent or guardian. To register to volunteer, please go to http://artsbeatsandeats.gcfb.volunteerhub.com/.Iron ChefOn Thursday, August 9, Gleaners will be hosting the 14th Annual Iron Chef Event at Bordine’s Greenhouse in Brighton, MI. Volunteers needed for a wide variety of volunteer tasks. For more information and to register, please go to http://ironchef.gcfb.volunteerhub.com/.WOMC and KrogerOn Saturday, July 28 from 1 – 4 pm, Gleaners is partnering with Kroger and WOMC to fill a RAM truck full of food. Volunteers will hand out flyers and let customers know about the effort. Event at Kroger Store 2905 Union Lake Road, Commerce Township. Ages 18 and up please. To register to volunteer, please go to http://specialevents.gcfb.volunteerhub.com/Hunger-Free Summer Golf OutingVolunteers needed to be contest hole-watchers at the Hunger-Free Summer Golf Outing on Monday, July 23, 2018 at Detroit Golf Club. To register, please go to http://hungerfreesummergolfclassic.gcfb.volunteerhub.com/.My Neighborhood Mobile GroceryOur need is acute! My Neighborhood Mobile Grocery (MNMG) is a nutrition-focused pop-up grocery that provides families and individuals who have limited access to affordable, healthy foods with a new shopping option within their communities. Volunteers greet and assist customers, assemble orders on truck, bag orders, and assist with market set-up and tear-down. Programs at one building for formerly homeless veterans and at thirteen senior citizen apartment complexes. Sign up here: http://myneighborhoodmobilegrocery.gcfb.volunteerhub.com/