SSA Executive Board Election Results

The HFC-SSA Executive Board election results have been tallied. There were a total of 82 members who voted today. The results are as follows:President63 - Kim Kaier1 - Reggie VaughnExecutive Vice President65 - Katrina MinnisSecretary62 - Zac PolzinTreasurer9 - Valerie Kingins48 - Annette Klauke24 - Joni MorrisVP Clerical18 - Marie WojewuczkiVP Facilities14 - Kevin LuchonokVP Student Services17 - Kierra WilsonVP Technical19 - Patti SekulidisCongratulations to the newly elected officers! Thank you to everyone who participated in the election process.


HFCC-SSA Employee Seniority Lists as of November 2017


Job Posting - Facilities Associate