Accepting Nominations for office of SSA Clerical Vice President

The Election committee is accepting nominations for the office of SSA Clerical Vice President.  This position is to fill the remainder of Kim Kaier's term which runs thru December 31, 2017.  Nominees must fall under the Clerical area to be considered for this position.  The eligible SSA members for consideration are:  AAA; AA; Division and Department Secretaries; Customer Service Reps; and Library Associates.Please send your name and a short bio to Patty Sellers at by 5:00 p.m. Monday, July 17, 2017 for consideration.  Once the nominations are received and verified the committee will send the name (s) to the membership.Elections for this office will take place at our next general membership meeting which is scheduled for Thursday, July 27, 2017 at 6:45 p.m. According to the SSA constitution only SSA members that fall under the Clerical Vice President are eligible to vote for this position (please refer to Article 4 of the SSA Constitution: Executive Board and Duties).Any questions, please contact any member of the Election committee.  Those members are:  Ken Donovan, Annette Klauke, Patty Sellers, and Mary Szymanski.Thank you,SSA Election Committee


Job Openings: Assistant to the Associate Dean(s), Division Secretaries and Academic Affairs Assistant(s)


Job Opening(s) - Assistant to the Dean/Associate Dean