SSA Election Notice - Interim SSA President
Joe Zitnik has accepted a Local 71 position and has resigned as SSA President effective June 1, 2017, so we need to fill the President's position on an Interim basis.The election committee is seeking nominees to serve as Interim SSA President for the period of July 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. Interested members for the position are asked to email Patty Sellers with their name and a short biography of themselves. Nominations will be accepted until 5 p.m. June 12, 2017.
Requirements that are needed to be considered for this position as listed in the SSA constitution are:Article 4: Executive Board and DutiesSection 6: A Member in Good Standing for a period of at least one (1) year is required to hold Executive Board Member.Section 7: A Member in Good Standing is required to continue to hold office.Section 8: It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to:
- Carry out the directives of the Membership.
- Administer the affairs of the Association, subject to the will of the Membership.
- Recommend policies and plans to the Membership.
- Communicate and promote the programs, activities, and efforts of the Association to their respective groups.
- Interpret and enforce this Constitution and By-Laws.
Time Schedule that has been set up and agreed upon with the Executive Board is as follows:6/1/2017 Send out notice seeking nominations6/12/2017 Nominations for the office of Interim SSA President are due by 5 p.m.6/13/2017 Nominees names will be sent out with short biography via email6/22/2017 Election for Interim President will take place from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. according to Article 3, Section 1b of the SSA By-laws. (No absentee ballots are allowed)If you have any questions regarding this election, please feel free to contact any of the committee members. The members of the election committee are:Ken Donovan, Kim Kaier, Annette Klauke, Patty Sellers, and Mary Szymanski.Thank you,SSA Election Committee