Volunteer - MLK Day January 16, 2017

MLK Day of Service is a one time, one day outreach activity that commemorates the philosophy and legacy of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The coordination of this event is a collaborative effort with the University of Michigan-Dearborn and Henry Ford College. Students, faculty, and staff from both institutions volunteer their time and service to help local agencies with renovation, educational and social projects.MLK Day of Service will take place on Monday, January 16, 2017, at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, Kochoff Hall in the University Center (4901 Evergreen Rd). Registration and breakfast begin at 7:45 am; volunteers depart for sites at 8:30 am, and projects end at 1:00 pm. There will not be an afternoon ceremony. The program ends following the completion of your volunteer project.Registration for MLK Day of ServiceThe registration site will take you step by step in becoming a volunteer. Also, there will be a MLK registration table set-up in the Student Center on various days leading up to the Day of Service - staff will be available to register you as a volunteer.The 2017 project agencies include ACCESS, Alternative for Girls, Arts and Scraps, Beyond Basics, Fish and Loaves, Gleaners, and a host of others.Register early, volunteer slots are going fast!Come and make a difference on MLK Day!Questions may be directed to Mandy Earl, Student Activities Associate at (313) 317-1756 or mlearl1@hfcc.edu.


Job Postings - Financial Aid Associates (2 positions) Scanning Clerk (1 position)


Volunteer - Festival of Trees Nov 20-27