SSA Treasurer Nomination - Vote on July 28th

The Election committee has received one nomination for office of SSA Treasurer.  Annette Klauke name was submitted and she has accepted the nomination.  Below is a brief bio from Annette.

My name is Annette Klauke, I have been the Department Secretary in Campus Safety for 6 years.  I came over from P/12 at which time I was the Bookkeeper/Accounting Secretary at Dearborn High School for 18 years.  I also was in the Accounting dept. for 2 years.  I have been privileged to have been in the school system for 28 years.

The election for this office will take place at the next general membership meeting which is on Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 6:45 p.m.  Please remember that you need to be present to vote.Thank you,Election Committee


Work Relief Form - Due Wednesday, July 27th


SSA Board Officer Vacancy - Treasurer