HFC-SSA Professional Development Fund

Per Article 10 of the Henry Ford College Support Staff Association collective bargaining agreement, $20,000 shall be appropriated each year to reimburse Association members for the following expenses:

  • External conferences/seminars related to the employee's current position or related to a position within an Association career path,
  • Travel related to off-site conferences/seminars,
  • Tuition/fees associated with obtaining and renewing certifications or professional licenses required for fulfilling employment responsibilities at the College,
  • Tuition/fee reimbursement for courses successfully completed (grade of "C" or better in an accredited four (4) year degree program).

The guidelines, as well, as the reimbursement form may be found at https://hr.hfcc.edu/employee-groups/ssa.If you completed coursework or attended a conference/seminar between January 1, 2015 and May 31, 2015, please complete and forward the reimbursement form, along with your receipts and transcripts to the Office of Human Resources no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 1, 2015.Lynn Borczon, Assistant DirectorOffice of Human Resources(313) 845-9664lynn@hfcc.edu


Job Posting - International Admissions Associate III


Job Posting - Department Secretary Compliance (rev 5/6/15)