Notice of SSA Nominations for Executive Board and Guidelines

The Election committee serves notice that we are accepting nominations for the SSA Executive Board.

  1. To be nominated and considered as a candidate, you must be a member in good standing for 1 (one) year prior to the Election. (SSA Constitution: Article 4, Section 6)
  2. Any member can nominate themselves, or another member. The committee will verify with nominees if they are willing to accept and pursue the position for which they are nominated for.
  3. Email nominations should be forwarded to Patty Sellers at The deadline for all nominations is October 31, 2014.
  4. All Executive Board positions are open and will take effect at the January General Membership meeting. They are as follows:
    • President
    • Executive Vice President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Four (4) Vice Presidents for:
      1. Clerical(AAA/AA/Division/ Department Secretaries/Customer Service Representative)
      2. Student Services/Food Service(Welcome Center & Café Employees)
      3. Facilities(Custodial/BOS/Grounds/Electrician/Shipping & Receiving Associates)
      4. Technology(IT /Graphics/Payroll/Accounting Associates/Mail room/Buyer Associates/Institutional Research/Foundation/Lab Associate/eInstructional Designers/Multimedia Associate)
  5. Once nominees are verified the committee will send out the list of candidates bios to the membership.
  6. HFC resources cannot be used for campaigning. Email, copying, printing of election materials is prohibited. Intra-departmental mail cannot be used for distribution of materials. Posting of flyer's and literature is allowed, but must meet HFC guidelines.

SSA Election CommitteeKen Donovan (Chair); Barb Corp; Janet Hazamy; and Patty Sellers


Special Meeting Wednesday, October 22 at 5 p.m.


General Membership Meeting