Notice of SSA Nominations for Executive Board and Guidelines
The Election committee serves notice that we are accepting nominations for the SSA Executive Board.
- To be nominated and considered as a candidate, you must be a member in good standing for 1 (one) year prior to the Election. (SSA Constitution: Article 4, Section 6)
- Any member can nominate themselves, or another member. The committee will verify with nominees if they are willing to accept and pursue the position for which they are nominated for.
- Email nominations should be forwarded to Patty Sellers at The deadline for all nominations is October 31, 2014.
- All Executive Board positions are open and will take effect at the January General Membership meeting. They are as follows:
- President
- Executive Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Four (4) Vice Presidents for:
- Clerical(AAA/AA/Division/ Department Secretaries/Customer Service Representative)
- Student Services/Food Service(Welcome Center & Café Employees)
- Facilities(Custodial/BOS/Grounds/Electrician/Shipping & Receiving Associates)
- Technology(IT /Graphics/Payroll/Accounting Associates/Mail room/Buyer Associates/Institutional Research/Foundation/Lab Associate/eInstructional Designers/Multimedia Associate)
- Once nominees are verified the committee will send out the list of candidates bios to the membership.
- HFC resources cannot be used for campaigning. Email, copying, printing of election materials is prohibited. Intra-departmental mail cannot be used for distribution of materials. Posting of flyer's and literature is allowed, but must meet HFC guidelines.
SSA Election CommitteeKen Donovan (Chair); Barb Corp; Janet Hazamy; and Patty Sellers