Health Insurance Informational Meeting recap

In today's health insurance informational meeting, we went over some of the basic things affecting us and changes to our plans. The representative from McGraw-Wentworth went over PA 152, which states that companies cannot fully fund health care (if you are not happy with paying, write your local representative, as it is a state law), how Blue Care and HAP compare, and changes to our existing plans. Our plans are the same except prescriptions have gone up from 10/20 to 15/50 (generic/name brand).The most important part is the new enrollment campaign, BenXpress. Everyone, even those that opt out of coverage, must go online between June 10 and June 18 to make their elections or to say that you are opting out. Let me repeat that, EVERYONE MUST DO THIS. It will take about 5-10 minutes to complete the enrollment, which does include your health, dental, vision, life, and disability information. You will need the birth date, social security number, and proper spelling of anyone (kids, spouses) that will be included on your plan. You will also fill out your life insurance beneficiary.More information, including today's presentation and directions to access BenXpress will be available by Monday, June 10, 2013 on the HFCC Human Resources web page. Directions to access BenXpress will also be e-mailed out to every member by Monday. Once the information is sent out, I will include links to everything on our site and also our Facebook page.


Open Enrollment


2013 Health Insurance Informational Meetings