November General Membership Meeting and Agenda

This month's General Membership Meeting will be held on November 29, 2012 at 7:30 in the Michael Berry Amphitheater located in the ASCC Building on Main Campus.The agenda for this month's meeting is as follows:

HFCC-SSA November 29, 2012 Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of prior minutes.
  3. Officer’s Reports
    1. President’s report
      1. Holiday Party Saturday Dec. 15
      2. Presidential Search Committee
      3. Contract Printing/Information
      4. SSA scholarships
    2. Treasurer’s report
  4. New Business
    1. Protecting Working Families- Regional organizer for Protecting Working Families to speak
    2. Social Committee- Social committee to discuss December Party
  5. Adjournment

Volunteer Work Opportunity - Dearborn Performing Arts Center


It's official, we have a contract