3rd Trivia Night

Save the date: Friday, April 27, 3012.We are going to sponsor a hole at the Adray Golf Outing this year and need to raise some funds to pay for it so...We are going to have another Trivia Night and I need volunteers to help organize, donate tin can raffle items, and help during the event.We were able to get the 5101 Restaurant from 3 - 9pm so we can set up ahead of time.We will have 50/50 raffle and tin can raffle. We will be selling tickets before the event.If you can't help out in person but still want to help in another way, we need donations of Tin Can items. Please contact Barb Corp for more information, if you would like to help, or if you would like to make a donation.The flier can be seen here: 3rd TRIVIA NIGHT


Adray Golf Tournament


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