March General Membership Meeting & AFLAC

Our March General Membership meeting will be held on Thursday, March 29 in the Forfa Auditorium located in the ASCC Building on main campus from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM.We will also have a representative from AFLAC stopping by to talk to us about the benefits his company has to offer our membership. Please plan on attending if you are interested in possibly joining ALFAC.The agenda for this month's meeting is as follows:

HFCC-SSA March 29, 2012 Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of prior minutes.
  3. Officer’s Reports
    1. President’s report
    2. Treasurer’s report
  4. New Business
    1. AFLAC
    2. Committee Updates
  5. Adjournment

We will be holding a raffle at the General Membership Meeting

Bernie Herm has graciously donated 2 tickets for "A Frankie Valle Tribute", featuring The Four Seasons music on Friday, April 27 at 8 pm. The Ford Community & Performing Arts Center is on the south west corner of Michigan and Greenfield here in Dearborn.$2 per ticket or 3 for $5.You need not be present to win.If you can't make the meeting, you can have someone else purchase tickets for you. A winner will be announced before the end of the meeting.Money raised will go to support the activities of the HFCC-SSA.


AFLAC will be coming to campus


MPSERS Retirement Presentation