A message from YOUR union
Hello everyone. I know there have been some anxious feelings out there about where things stand. Hopefully, this e-mail will alleviate some of your fears.First, insurance. The HFCC-SSA members will be covered under our existing insurance as it stands at this moment until July 1 of next year, or until a new contract is negotiated that addresses insurance. I hope this is a huge weight off everyone's shoulders.I know there were fears about what was going to happen as of January first. While we are waiting to negotiate a new contract, wages, hours and working conditions are protected until a new contract is negotiated.It is understandable that there have been concerns about the lack of negotiations to this point. The HFCC-SSA Executive Board has been meeting on a regular basis to discuss negotiations. The hold up, to this point, has been the poor timing of the MERC decision. Our certification did not come through until after the November Board of Trustee's meeting. The Board of Trustees has to approve the beginning of negotiations, and this item will be taken up at the January Board meeting. Because of this, negotiations will not begin until January. Believe me when I tell you that everyone is anxious to begin negotiations as soon as possible. It is through no fault of any of the parties involved that this delay has occurred.Lastly, there will be a General Membership Meeting of the HFCC-SSA, Saturday December 17, 2011 at 2:00 PM in the Forfa Auditorium is the ASCC building.