Nominations for executive officers

At the end of the informational meetings this Thursday: 7:30pm and Saturday: 11am in the Forfa Conference room, we will be holding nominations. We will be nominating the four (4) Executive Officers and also three (3) Trustees.The Executive Board will consist of:The Executive Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, TreasurerTwo trusteesFor those being nominated, here are a list of duties for each of the members. This is a three (3) year commitment.Duties of the Executive Officers:President:Represent the HFCC-SSA and its members when and where neededServe as a member of, and preside at, meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership MeetingsCoordinate HFCC-SSA committeesAttend, or appoint a representative to attend, HFCC Board MeetingsPrepare agendas for Executive and General Membership meetingsCast tie-breaking votes only.Vice President:Assist the President in carrying out his/her dutiesServe as a member of the Executive BoardAct as chairperson of the Grievance CommitteeOversee management of the HFCC-SSA websiteAct on behalf of the President when designated by the PresidentBe a voting member of the Executive BoardSecretary:Act as corresponding and recording secretary for both the HFCC-SSA membership meetings and the Executive Board meetings.Keep a record of all official proceedings of the HFCC-SSA and the Executive Board meetings.Provide the membership with Meeting Minutes and other written reports as requested by the President.Provide all written correspondence for the HFCC-SSA membership and the Executive Board.Distribute an agenda for regular meetings to the general membership at least three (3) days before each meeting, via email, and the HFCC-SSA website.Be a voting member of the Executive Board.Treasurer:Keep a current membership list of all HFCC-SSA membersIdentify all members in good standingBe responsible for the collection of all dues and assessments as determined by HFCC-SSAKeep accurate records of all monies received and distributed by HFCC-SSAPrepare and submit quarterly financial reports for the HFCC-SSA to the membershipPrepare and submit required state and federal tax documentsBe a voting member of the Executive Board****Duties of the Trustees:Serve as liaisons between the Executive Board and the General MembershipBe a voting members of the Executive Board


Vote for separation November 11, 2011


Nominations for Executive Officers