The road ahead of us

Good morning everyone.As many of you heard yesterday, the support staff at Henry Ford Community College were granted the opportunity to vote on a separation from the Dearborn Federal School Employee's Union. This is great news for us, the support staff, as we can take control of our futures, negotiate a contract for ourselves, and have a voice in our own union. It took a long time, but it was well worth the wait.However, our journey is not over yet. There are still many questions to be answered and decisions to be made. There are committees to be formed, positions to be filled, and a lot of work ahead of us. If you are available to help out or are interested in filling a position, let us know, you can reach us at as information is available, we will be updating the website. Check back on a daily basis if you can, now that we got this far, some things will have to be decided on very quickly and we will keep you informed.


Informational Meetings, October 27 and 29